Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yes, I have been working out

Alright so I have dropped off the blog scene for a while but I have been hitting the wods pretty hard. Today was a killer WOD from the South American regionals:
50 24inch box jump
30 115lb snatch
1000m Row

I had to blow off some steam and although high rep snatchs will hurt my o-lifting career, they make me feel good. This wod was tough, what can Ben Wheeler do it in I wonder??

So I am heading to Nicaragua on Sunday and we hope to hit 3 workouts while we are there for 10 days and then I will be in Ontario for a week in which I will have my CF Football cert and mobility and recovery certification.

When I get back it will probably be back to the rigs which sucks because the gym is getting busier every day and I am really, REALLY, enjoying coaching sometimes 5 hours of class/personal training a day. I can say I am not enjoying though, the countless hours of accounting, book keeping, and other admin bullshit that goes with a business.

Things will be moving quick this summer, we expect to be in a new space for mid July now. Exciting and scary at the same time. I will keep you all posted!


  1. Was that a challenge? ;)

    Power snatches or full squat snatches? I'll do it in the next few days. I'm wrecked from "Barbara" yesterday.

    That crazy that your looking to get into a spot come July. I see new faces everyday on the site so it looks like its definitely getting busy.

  2. Have a great time down there. I can not believe you guys are looking for a bigger box.

    I am looking forward to hearing about the CFFB and mobilty cert.
