Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back for a Bit

Due to unsafe working conditions I will be returning to Calgary for a few days and then heading back out with another company right away.

The last 2 weeksish has been pretty tough. It was damn cold when I got here...about minus 40 degrees Celcious, but has warmed up to -10. CrossFit has definitely prepared me for lots of shit. The feats of strength I have displayed in the last little while has had the guys asking me what it is I do at my gym. Although CrossFit is pretty good at preparing someone for the unknown and unknowable, I am still pretty beat up from going hard 12 hours a day. There is something that can be said for swinging a hammer, pulling a wrench and lifting heavy shit all day in regards to contributing to GPP.

I am going to a bigger rig, slower pace, safer and less frustrating. This industry is pretty dangerous as it is...I don't need to work on a rig that is prone for disaster. It will also alot me some more time off. The gym is getting busy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to Work

I am heading back to work early tomorrow am. I will be up in Northern Alberta, probably until the snow melts. The good news is that I am in a camp so I will be well fed and get lots of sleep. The bad news is that I do not know if there is a gym....if it is a big camp there should be one. If there is a squat rack I will kiss the camp owner. Chances are I will get a chance to work on my HSPU, push-ups and air squats.

The spring and summer will be a more focused training regime, I just have to ride out this winter.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reflection on 2009

I started this blog one year a go to hold myself more accountable to being consistent with my workouts. Although I still had my slumps I am happy with my general progress. I have definately set some PR's this year and the online coaching and support I have recieved has been great! It is not easy coming back from a 3 week Fitness vacation and posting a terrible time for everyone to read. I hope I have motivated other people to get better by posting my times and loads; I know other bloggers such as Pat and Tommy motivate me to work harder.

As for 2010 I am going to be more realistic with my training, understanding that I am no longer a student and time is precious. I set the goals I did because I know they are realistic this year. My Olympic lifts and Press goals will be reached by getting stronger and seeking out expert coaching in my area. I plan on getting my Level 1 Alberta Weightlifting Certification and becoming a weightlifting club. I can then invite some great coaches and athletes to train at my facility or go to theirs and train.

My "Work" Goals will be obtained by staying consistent. No matter where I am with work I should be able to have a KB or atleast do some BW workouts. A sub 4 Fran will come with getting stronger. My KB goal will come with training similar to how I trained for the TSC.

Finally, I believe my gymnastics goals will be obtained by not being lazy in my warm-up and on rest days. I have to be inverted EVERY DAY. HSPU have been a weakness of mine forever and the only way for me to get really good is to practice everyday. I hope to be writting something similar to this in a year from now and be able to knock out a bunch of HSPU without a problem.

Well, no matter where this year takes me with work, my gym and just life stuff, I want to stay more focused on my training and reach my goals. I am not looking to becomes the next CrossFit Games Champion, I just want to be strong and improve at my weaknesses. As for knowledge, I look forward to learning as much as I possibly can about training, nutrition and coaching.

Happy New Year Everyone!

PS Steve if you read this....please start blogging again...I miss you buddy!