Monday, September 28, 2009

Clamping down

  • Snatch - 80% x 1, 83% x 1, 85% x 1, 87% x 1, 85% x 1, 82% x 1
  • Clean & jerk - 80% x 1, 83% x 1, 85% x 1, 87% x 1, 85% x 1, 82% x 1
  • Deadlift 145kg x 5

3 rounds for time:
20 kipping pull-ups
8 box jumps (36 inch)

Used 80kg and 105kg for my calculations. I will be doing atleast one of these workouts per cycle. I will try to maintain 3 on 1 off but I imagine it will be more varied than that. I have clamped down a bit on my programming and I am thinking it ahead a week or so. I want to do well in my O-lifting competition and get stronger.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fight Gone Bad PR

Today was a lot of fun. We had 13 people do the workout and lots others came out to watch. It was a great turnout and we raised over $1800. I PR'd and didn't know where I was after.

Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds 1 minute each
Wall Ball 20lbs
SDHP 75lbs bar
Box Jump 20 inches
Push Press 75lbs
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
28 20 22
28 19 20
34 25 25
23 15 18
21 15 18
Total: 331
I am happy with this score. My Met Con needs work. I have been working on my O-lifts lots and will continue to do this with more strength work. Met Con is easy to get up. If I really wanted at 350 or greater score I could just do FGB every month...but that would be crazy. Rip has me convinced that I need to get stronger to get better...he makes a valid argument.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I respect the opinions and knowledge of others and I am always up for some good debate but I was quite disappointed when I was blackballed off a site recently. I brought up some valid arguments which created counterarguments. Ben W. chimed in with some excellent points that I guess ended the debate. I am fascinated at how close minded and stubborn people can be.

I would like to poll the top 50 CrossFitters in Canada and see how they eat. I am going to start with all the monsters at CrossFit Caglary. I bet most eat a shit load of eggs and bacon and they have awesome cholesterol. In the near future I am going to get some blood work and just dump my body full of fat and cholesterol while minimizing all grains and sugars. I want to prove, by using myself this cholesterol con.

Anyway's here is Ben's post that got deleted (it is in response to a bunch of horse shit about fat being evil and some bogus studies along with BS on Gary Taubes being unqualified to research scientific studies)....the guy is fucking smart and I can't wait to have him in my gym as a trainer.

"Taubes investigates the science behind the lipid hypothesis. For an understanding of this hypothesis and how it fails to show any correlation look here:
The first study cited on dietary fat and the risk of coronary heart disease in women ( is an observational study that only hypotheses can be derived from. They show correlation, not causation. If anything the study shows a correlation between trans fat and CVD, which I agree with. They even go onto say that low-fat, high carbohydrate diets (promoted by the likes of AHA) cause decreased levels of HDL and increased levels of fasting triglycerides. "Because low levels of HDL cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides independently increase risk, the value of replacing fat in general with carbohydrates has been questioned."
The link for "great advice" about eating well lead me to a brochure sponsored by Becel. Surely you do not suggest that eating vegetable oil (which is normally liquid at room temperature) in the form of margarine is better for you then butter? Their understanding of simple biochemistry is lacking, stating that LDL cholesterol simply "leaves plaque deposits on the arterial walls." They are correct in stating that your liver produces the bulk of cholesterol in your body, however, HMG Co-A Reductase is the enzyme responsible for cholesterol synthesis in your body. Insulin and glucagon are the main regulators of this enzyme. They even state that "Dietary cholesterol only has an effect in some people. From a nutrition perspective, the best way for controlling blood cholesterol is to eat a healthy diet that is lower in fat, especially saturated and trans fat." Well if the majority of cholesterol in your body is made by your liver, which is controlled by HMG Co-A Reductase, which in turn is regulated by Insulin, wouldn't the best way to control blood lipids be a diet that best controls blood sugar? "

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Isabell Rx'd

30 Snatch 135lbs (Used 62.5kg)
I am happy I did this Rx'd. The main factor was my legs. They were smoked out from all the pistols, I would like to do this again with some competition and see how I do.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Clean and Jerk PR and Clean PR

Clean and Jerk Heavy single
105x1 (231lbs) PR
107.5 x Fail
107.5(237lbs) x Clean Failed on Jerk PR Clean
That last clean was the hardest clean I have ever done. It was slow out of the bottom and sloppy. I could have jerked it if I didn't have such a tough clean. 105 went up easy in the jerk. My competition is the 21st of November. I want to hit a 85kg Snatch and 110 Clean and Jerk. I need to buckle down and train harder.

AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Med Ball Cleans
10 Pistols
15 Double unders
8 rounds plus 2 pistols

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally, I hit 80!!

My failed attempt at 80kg two days a go has caused me to lose sleep. I had to try again.
Snatch Heavy single
80x miss
80x 1 PR (176lbs)
82.5 x miss (not even close)
82.5 x miss (caught it but lost it behind me)

10 MU
40KBS 1.5 pood
8 MU
30 KBS
6 MU
20 KBS
4 MU
10 KBS
2 MU

Good job on this on Pat. I know MU are harder for you in your small space. I had them up so I could get lock out on each rep.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hopper Deck

Today I pulled a card out of my Hopper Deck and it was Josh.
21 OHS 95lbs
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS
30 Pull-ups
18 Pull-ups

Shitty grip failed on the pull-ups. They need some work. I am still going to be focusing on my strength. Rip has motivated me to get stronger again. Met Con is something that can be built up fast but just about everything depends on strength and it takes a long time to build. So, short term my Met-Cons will suck but I will get stronger and eventually crush them again. Anyone disgaree I would like to debate this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Snatch and Clena and Jerk PR's

Today I cam and did heavy singles. I PR'd my Snatch at 77.5kg (171lbs) and missed 80kg. I blame my miss on a nurse he came and interrupted my workout to do a checkup for a life insurance policy I am buying. She took my blood pressure after my Snatch PR and it was still really good, 112/80 I think??

My Clean and Jerk session started when she was done with me and had taken some blood. I lifted 100kg (220lbs) overhead which was a PR for the jerk but I have cleaned 107kg before. On my 105 attempt I missed the clean 3 times...I was not happy. I think I can put it overhead but I will have to work on things more. Not bad for my lack of committment.
Metcon After
3 rounds
15 Pull-ups
10 Box Jump 36 inches

I will address the Barbell Cert comments this weekend...I do need to get some sleep. Thanks to all who read my blog and comment...I wish I had some time to get into this debate but it will have to wait until this weekend.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Barbell Cert

Ok So I have not posted in a while...things have been busy around here with work and the gym.

This past weekend I participated in Mark Rippetoes Barbell Cert. It was fantastic. I learned a truck load. Basically re-learned how to squat, press, deadlift and power clean. Rip is a great coach and he has a really well educated staff. I like his arguments on the importance of strength in life and CrossFit, how O-lifters should be low bar back squating and his teaching progressions. All good stuff, well thought out with sufficient evidence and data.

I would love to expand on this more but I will at another time....

I did a O-lifting workout today after a 11 hour shift that got cut short because some clients came in. Our 6 am class is sold out...I am happy about that.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting Faster

Dani and I just bought a C2 which will be here in time for Fight Gone Bad IV. I haven't rowed 500 since my last time posted on here. I pulled another PR 1:26.4. I felt I had more in me. Sub 1:24:0 is definately possible very soon.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to the Oly lifts

Performance Menu WOD
  • Snatch - 70% x 3; 75% x 2; 80% x 1 x 2; 75% x 1; 80% x 1 (Used 77.5kg)
  • Clean & jerk - 70% x 3; 75% x 2; 80% x 1 x 2; 75% x 1; 80% x 1 (used 98kg)
  • Back squat - 60% x 6; 65% x 6; 70% x 6; 75% x 4 x 2 (used 130kg)
I dismissed the snatch shrugs. Other than that it was good. My Snatch is feeling solid but lots of work to get 85 overhead. I will be competing November 21st in the Alberta Weightligting Association Provincial Championships in Edmonton, Alberta. I want to clean and jerk 110kg, and Snatch 85kg.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Guerrilla Marketing

Today was fun, Dani and I went out to a busy intersection with a big sign and did a workout. We had Catherine, Murph and Tiffany handing out flyers while we suffered through the following:
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 KB snatch 1.5 Pood
5 Burpees
5 KB swing 1.5 Pood
5 Push Press 50lbs
14 rounds + 3 Snatch .... I think.

Not sure on the accuracy of that. We has lots of people go by and I hope to do it again soon. About 2 hours before this I tried out the workout I will be putting everyone through for our Grand Opening.
3 rounds for time:
350m Run
10 Burpees
20 Squats
7:25 - This was not a great time. I dogged the runs. If anyone beats my time tomorrow I will give them a T-Shirt.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Murph and Catherine Visit

Today Murph and Catherine hit a WOD with Dani and I
For Time:
25 Snatch 45kg
50 Pushups
75 Situps
100 Double Unders
This was radomly programmed in our basement. Each of us picked a workout and we picked task orientated and I chucked some numbers next to each exercise. It turned out to be not a bad WOD. I will post a picture up on the CowTown site tomorrow.