Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last WOD of 2009

Bench Press 5x5

3 rounds
500m row
15 Body Weight Deadlifts 185lbs
20 inch box jump

I am happy with this time because my game plan didnt go to shit. I didnt break up any of the deads of box jumps and rowed 2 minute splits. I dont feel I could deadlift of box jump much faster, so to get a better time I will have to row faster splits and get on and off the rower faster.

Happy New Year, I have an auto post for tomorrow am with my reflection of 2009 training and such.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

- wanted to see how many times I could OHS my BW. Not happy with this so I will work on it more.
2 rounds
1 Minute KB Snatch
1 Min Rest
1 Min RKC swings
1Mine Rest
- Snatch's need work.

Monday, December 21, 2009

2010 GOALS

1) Snatch 92kg
2) C&J 112kg
3) BW Press
1) Sub 4 Fran
2) 200KB snatches in 10 minutes 1.5pood
3) 1 mile Sandbag Carry 1/2 BW
1) 10 Strict HSPU
2) 1 Minute L Sit
3) 25 Dead Hand Pull-ups

I believe these are attainable goals this year. My gymnastics skills will simply come down to me practising those skills. I have wanted the 200KB snatchs for a while and should have attempted it while training a while back for the TSC. I know how to train for that and will get it done this year. A sub 4 Fran will come as I get stronger and the Sandbag carry is also something I have wanted to do but now I have this list to keep me accountable this year.

My O-Lift goals are reasonable, I hope to have to set new goals in that area sometime this year. Finally, I am going to work my ass off for a BW Press. It has been a neglected weakness of mine for too long!

Rebuilding Strength

Back Squat

I am taking my Press back up slowly. It will be a main focus this upcoming year along with the bench press.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Front Squat & MetCon

(Lauren pulls 231lbs during our CrossFit total)

Front Squat in kg
105 x 3
107.5 x 3
110 x 3
115 x 1
120 x 1 PR
125 x miss - its time

21 Thrusts 42.5kg
500m row
15 Thrusters
350m row
9 Thrusters
250m row
8:30 - destroyed me....felt good though

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Light Snatch


Leg's still shot. Surprised I hit 80, my 2010 goals will be up soon but one is 92kg snatch.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Out of Shape is an Understatement!

"The Chief"
3 Power Cleans 135lbs
6 Push Ups
9 Squats
AMRAP in 3 minutes
1 minute rest repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
1. 5rds 2. 4 rds +2 PC 3. 3 rds + 7 squats 4. 3 rds + 2 PU 5. 3 rds + 6 PU

Really good WOD although frustrating because I burnt out so fast. Definately have some ground to make up. I might get another week of training in before I have to head back to work. Going to do some O lifts and focus on strength. I did the MetCon because I have never done it before and it looked's fun looking back on how pissed I was that I was breaking up 9 air squats in the secound round! I am not letting it bother me too much, striving to be an elite CrossFitter is not one of my priorities right now. Although I have been really geeking out on the nutritional readings and business planning while I have been off. If I get some time I will through up some reviews and questions up for comments.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Computer issues/Ranting

I apologies I have not been posting. My laptop is in the shop and Dani's has been out of commission until today. I have been doing some lifts and a lot of reading. I will start posting again after tomorrow's workout. Might to a MetCon and see how I feel. I could be heading back to work soon but not as far away.

It has been nice getting lots of sleep and eating real food. It will be even better when I can make my coaching job full time. Unfortunately due to my job now I probably will not compete in the sectionals. I have a feeling I will be working Jan., Feb., March and part of April with little time off. Not knowing my schedule and not being able to devote time to train is why I have made my decision. There will be lots of time to compete in the future, this sport is not going anywhere.

I know Murph and Ben will be representing in Ontario and BC. Pat, what are your plans? Tommy, do you think you will compete? I would like to see others who do not do CrossFit enter these challenges. I know there are lots of well rounded athletes out there that could do well in these sectionals, that do not CrossFit. Is $25 000 enough to start pulling in serious athletes? I think give it a few more years and the competition will be at another level. Ex proffessional athletes or ex varsity athletes are really going to excel in my opinion.

What does everyone else think? Is the CrossFit Games the unltimate proving ground? How long until it gets some serious athletes and a large purse? Is Mikko the Fittest man in the World?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back to the Basics

(Some Christmas readings)

So I am home from Quebec. I was there three weeks, it was good for the wallet but terrible for the body. I worked long ass days and did not get much sleep or proper food. Right now I am going to focus on strength and start the MetCons once I start eating a bit better.

Pat called us all out on some fitness goals for 2010, so I will get those up soon.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So I am in France trying to get my shit together...I work long days, 12 hour shift with a 1.5 hour drive to work each way. I am still planning on lifting twice a week starting this week. Maybe I will pick up some milk for work tomorrow...more to follow on this. In the meantime check out Dani's Snatch!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Off to Quebec

Tomorrow I board a plane to Quebec to work on a drilling rig. Weird right? Come out west and end back up out east on a rig. I am not sure how long I will be there but I hope the town I am staying in has a gym. If there is I will do 3 x a week just Press, Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press, Pull ups and Dips....Starting Strength style stuff. I will include the odd gymnastic skill and MetCon depending on other factors, mainly if there is a gym.

No gym and I will be the weird guy doing burpees in my hotel room....better than nothing.

As always I will blog for everyone's enjoyment.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We Will Remember them...

(Myself and Warrant Officer Rick Nolan, KIA 3 September 2006 in Panjaway Afghanistan)

Today is a special day for me. I really like to reflect on things and be thankful to all of our veterans. I also like to reflect on my comrades that lost their lives in battle. We are very lucky to live in this country and have all the freedoms we have.

"Erin" In honor of Masteral Corporal Erin Doyle, 32, was killed in a Firefight August 11th, 2008, in the Panjawa district, Khandahar Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Nicole and daughter Zarine.
5 rounds for time:
15 Dumbell Split Cleans 40lb dumbells
21 Pull-ups
14:24 PR by over 3 minutes

I would like to have fought next to Erin, he seemed like an amazing guy. You can read more about him here if you like. His story and all the other heroes motivated Dani and I to go hard on this workout. Dani completed it with 25lb dumbells in 19:04.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mid Atlantic Qual WOD

3 rounds
10 Deadlifts
5o Double Unders

Not bad compared to the last time I did it 6 months a go. Used 225lbs and did it in 9:45. Fast times in the actually qualifier were 3 - 5 minutes. I was able to rep the first round out unbroken but fell apart in the later rounds. My MetCon is lacking but its a good thing MetCon is easy to lose but just as easy to back. Strength on the other hand takes time to build and to lose. I would rather focus my efforts on strength.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beat by a Girl

Played squash with a client of mine today. She is a national caliber player so it was a good workout. For those of you that do not play squash it is a game in which knowing where to stand and place the ball can work in your favour. She played a game called, "how much can I make Sean run around the court." But it was still a lot of fun and I learned a lot from her.

Back Squat 5x5

Legs were a little sore, probably should of hit the last set no problem.

Press and MaxFit

4 rounds for time
15 Pull-ups
10 Box Jump 20 inch
5 Deadlift 100kg

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chinook = Running

Clean and Jerk
105 x clean missed jerk
105 x 1
105 x 1 press out
105 x miss

Ben's Brutal Metcon
AMRAP 12 minutes
400m run
12 burpees
21 box jump 20inches
3 rounds + 400m run + 5 Burpees

Thanks Ben, I remember now how much I suck and hate running. Hopefully these Chinooks occur more often and I can get outside and run more.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm Back

I'll save the horseshit exuses of work and life and get back to training....
missed #4 and tried again and missed

3 rounds
10 thrusters 95lbs
10 Burpees
4:07 BIG improvement from last time i did this 5 months a go

Monday, October 19, 2009

Back Squat, Press Pull-ups

Back Squat
Pull-ups (Strict)

Strict pull-ups and Press has suffered because I have neglected them. My back squat is feeling solid and will be back up to 130kg x 5 in time. From there I am just looking at getting stronger. Pat hit a bodyweight Press the other day which is amazing...I am setting a goal to get one within a year!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Clean and Jerk / Max Fit USA

Clean and Jerk in kg
Work Set
Video shows set 3 with a slight press out. First two were solid and last was shaky in the jerk. I did not catch it locked out overhead and it caused me to be off balance.
Thrusters 75lbs
- all thrusters were unbroken, burpees buried me, I smashed me knee this morning walking in the dark and it was a factor....but good variance at the same time.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Snatch Coaching required

(82.5 miss) (85kg miss)

Today was frustrating. 80kg went up easy, but I didn't get it on video. I then attempted 85kg and failed. I next moved down to 82.5 but could not stick it. Above are some video's, input from anyone is welcome and appreciated. I have more videos of misses if required.

Post Snatch WOD to kill frustration was:
1000m row
50 thrusters 45lbs
3o Pull-ups

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Clean and Jerk, Double Unders

Clean and Jerk

As many double unders as possible in 10 minutes
This was inspired from OPT's challenge. It was tough, Dani beat me, I am going to do it again soon and get 450.
Pressed with a client during a personal training session. Numbers were pathetic...need to start pressing more again.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Quick Snatch WOD pre-Saturdays Free workout
After a poor warm-up missing 70kg three times and 75kg once I found my groove
75kg x 1 x 4

This weekend has been busy, phase two of the garage insulation is going down. I should have it all complete and warm for Monday's evening classes.

Gotta focus on training harder....Competition is November 21st.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Two Days of WODs

Back Squat
112.5kg x 5
120kg x 5
130kg x 3
139kg x 1
145kg miss - lost it in the bottom
145kg miss - same
Metcon/Practicing my push-ups
Box Jump
Split Jerk
105 miss (sloppy technique) - Strong enough....need more prac.
Ben's Metcon
2 rounds
30 KB swings 1.5 pood
20 Wall ball 20lbs
10 Pull-ups
250m Row

Monday, October 5, 2009

Snatch and Deadlift

72.5kg x 1 x 4
150kg x 5

Just wanted to pull 400lbs today. 407 went up pretty easy. I think if I do a 1RM day I will PR, that makes me happy. Snatch felt really solid. 75kg next time.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pat's Programming

It's nice when someone else makes up your workout. Pat and I had a good discussion about training via email. My training is going to be a lot different than his and vis versa just because of our lifestyles. Although, I took a page out of Pat's programming today.
Clean and Jerk 1x4 at a weight I knew I could make
95kg x 1 x 4
3 rounds
20 KB Snatch's 1.5 pood
400M run
Rest 2:30
rd 1 2:07
rd 2 2:12
rd 3 2:17
I like the work rest ratio. It is a page out of OPT's book. I have been meaning to chat with him about this because he does it with his athletes often. He is a busy guy but next time I see him I will inquire about this.

I like the short 1 x 4. I think it may work for me. I also like the max effort days so I will continue those as well. Following anyones programming right now is not going to work for me (performance menu, main page etc.) I am having a hard time being a good employee, coach and athlete. I will focus on being a good employee so I don't lose my job and coach because it is what I love doing. As for being a great athlete, right now I am just going to have fun, pick stuff I want to do and try and focus on stuff I suck at.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Late Postings

Clean and Press 1RM 60kg (pathetic...haven't been pressing much)
500m Row 1:24.2
Power Clean 3RM
90kg, 100kg x 2 (should have done 95kg)

2RM Satch
missed 2nd rep of 75kg twice...very frustrating
3RM Front Squat
110kg x 3
115kg x 2 (252lbs..not far off my 1RM)
5 rounds
10 push-ups
10 toe to bar
Toes to bar crushed me....need to work on them...they are harder than knees to elbows in my opinion.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Clamping down

  • Snatch - 80% x 1, 83% x 1, 85% x 1, 87% x 1, 85% x 1, 82% x 1
  • Clean & jerk - 80% x 1, 83% x 1, 85% x 1, 87% x 1, 85% x 1, 82% x 1
  • Deadlift 145kg x 5

3 rounds for time:
20 kipping pull-ups
8 box jumps (36 inch)

Used 80kg and 105kg for my calculations. I will be doing atleast one of these workouts per cycle. I will try to maintain 3 on 1 off but I imagine it will be more varied than that. I have clamped down a bit on my programming and I am thinking it ahead a week or so. I want to do well in my O-lifting competition and get stronger.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fight Gone Bad PR

Today was a lot of fun. We had 13 people do the workout and lots others came out to watch. It was a great turnout and we raised over $1800. I PR'd and didn't know where I was after.

Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds 1 minute each
Wall Ball 20lbs
SDHP 75lbs bar
Box Jump 20 inches
Push Press 75lbs
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
28 20 22
28 19 20
34 25 25
23 15 18
21 15 18
Total: 331
I am happy with this score. My Met Con needs work. I have been working on my O-lifts lots and will continue to do this with more strength work. Met Con is easy to get up. If I really wanted at 350 or greater score I could just do FGB every month...but that would be crazy. Rip has me convinced that I need to get stronger to get better...he makes a valid argument.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I respect the opinions and knowledge of others and I am always up for some good debate but I was quite disappointed when I was blackballed off a site recently. I brought up some valid arguments which created counterarguments. Ben W. chimed in with some excellent points that I guess ended the debate. I am fascinated at how close minded and stubborn people can be.

I would like to poll the top 50 CrossFitters in Canada and see how they eat. I am going to start with all the monsters at CrossFit Caglary. I bet most eat a shit load of eggs and bacon and they have awesome cholesterol. In the near future I am going to get some blood work and just dump my body full of fat and cholesterol while minimizing all grains and sugars. I want to prove, by using myself this cholesterol con.

Anyway's here is Ben's post that got deleted (it is in response to a bunch of horse shit about fat being evil and some bogus studies along with BS on Gary Taubes being unqualified to research scientific studies)....the guy is fucking smart and I can't wait to have him in my gym as a trainer.

"Taubes investigates the science behind the lipid hypothesis. For an understanding of this hypothesis and how it fails to show any correlation look here:
The first study cited on dietary fat and the risk of coronary heart disease in women ( is an observational study that only hypotheses can be derived from. They show correlation, not causation. If anything the study shows a correlation between trans fat and CVD, which I agree with. They even go onto say that low-fat, high carbohydrate diets (promoted by the likes of AHA) cause decreased levels of HDL and increased levels of fasting triglycerides. "Because low levels of HDL cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides independently increase risk, the value of replacing fat in general with carbohydrates has been questioned."
The link for "great advice" about eating well lead me to a brochure sponsored by Becel. Surely you do not suggest that eating vegetable oil (which is normally liquid at room temperature) in the form of margarine is better for you then butter? Their understanding of simple biochemistry is lacking, stating that LDL cholesterol simply "leaves plaque deposits on the arterial walls." They are correct in stating that your liver produces the bulk of cholesterol in your body, however, HMG Co-A Reductase is the enzyme responsible for cholesterol synthesis in your body. Insulin and glucagon are the main regulators of this enzyme. They even state that "Dietary cholesterol only has an effect in some people. From a nutrition perspective, the best way for controlling blood cholesterol is to eat a healthy diet that is lower in fat, especially saturated and trans fat." Well if the majority of cholesterol in your body is made by your liver, which is controlled by HMG Co-A Reductase, which in turn is regulated by Insulin, wouldn't the best way to control blood lipids be a diet that best controls blood sugar? "

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Isabell Rx'd

30 Snatch 135lbs (Used 62.5kg)
I am happy I did this Rx'd. The main factor was my legs. They were smoked out from all the pistols, I would like to do this again with some competition and see how I do.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Clean and Jerk PR and Clean PR

Clean and Jerk Heavy single
105x1 (231lbs) PR
107.5 x Fail
107.5(237lbs) x Clean Failed on Jerk PR Clean
That last clean was the hardest clean I have ever done. It was slow out of the bottom and sloppy. I could have jerked it if I didn't have such a tough clean. 105 went up easy in the jerk. My competition is the 21st of November. I want to hit a 85kg Snatch and 110 Clean and Jerk. I need to buckle down and train harder.

AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Med Ball Cleans
10 Pistols
15 Double unders
8 rounds plus 2 pistols

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally, I hit 80!!

My failed attempt at 80kg two days a go has caused me to lose sleep. I had to try again.
Snatch Heavy single
80x miss
80x 1 PR (176lbs)
82.5 x miss (not even close)
82.5 x miss (caught it but lost it behind me)

10 MU
40KBS 1.5 pood
8 MU
30 KBS
6 MU
20 KBS
4 MU
10 KBS
2 MU

Good job on this on Pat. I know MU are harder for you in your small space. I had them up so I could get lock out on each rep.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hopper Deck

Today I pulled a card out of my Hopper Deck and it was Josh.
21 OHS 95lbs
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS
30 Pull-ups
18 Pull-ups

Shitty grip failed on the pull-ups. They need some work. I am still going to be focusing on my strength. Rip has motivated me to get stronger again. Met Con is something that can be built up fast but just about everything depends on strength and it takes a long time to build. So, short term my Met-Cons will suck but I will get stronger and eventually crush them again. Anyone disgaree I would like to debate this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Snatch and Clena and Jerk PR's

Today I cam and did heavy singles. I PR'd my Snatch at 77.5kg (171lbs) and missed 80kg. I blame my miss on a nurse he came and interrupted my workout to do a checkup for a life insurance policy I am buying. She took my blood pressure after my Snatch PR and it was still really good, 112/80 I think??

My Clean and Jerk session started when she was done with me and had taken some blood. I lifted 100kg (220lbs) overhead which was a PR for the jerk but I have cleaned 107kg before. On my 105 attempt I missed the clean 3 times...I was not happy. I think I can put it overhead but I will have to work on things more. Not bad for my lack of committment.
Metcon After
3 rounds
15 Pull-ups
10 Box Jump 36 inches

I will address the Barbell Cert comments this weekend...I do need to get some sleep. Thanks to all who read my blog and comment...I wish I had some time to get into this debate but it will have to wait until this weekend.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Barbell Cert

Ok So I have not posted in a while...things have been busy around here with work and the gym.

This past weekend I participated in Mark Rippetoes Barbell Cert. It was fantastic. I learned a truck load. Basically re-learned how to squat, press, deadlift and power clean. Rip is a great coach and he has a really well educated staff. I like his arguments on the importance of strength in life and CrossFit, how O-lifters should be low bar back squating and his teaching progressions. All good stuff, well thought out with sufficient evidence and data.

I would love to expand on this more but I will at another time....

I did a O-lifting workout today after a 11 hour shift that got cut short because some clients came in. Our 6 am class is sold out...I am happy about that.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting Faster

Dani and I just bought a C2 which will be here in time for Fight Gone Bad IV. I haven't rowed 500 since my last time posted on here. I pulled another PR 1:26.4. I felt I had more in me. Sub 1:24:0 is definately possible very soon.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to the Oly lifts

Performance Menu WOD
  • Snatch - 70% x 3; 75% x 2; 80% x 1 x 2; 75% x 1; 80% x 1 (Used 77.5kg)
  • Clean & jerk - 70% x 3; 75% x 2; 80% x 1 x 2; 75% x 1; 80% x 1 (used 98kg)
  • Back squat - 60% x 6; 65% x 6; 70% x 6; 75% x 4 x 2 (used 130kg)
I dismissed the snatch shrugs. Other than that it was good. My Snatch is feeling solid but lots of work to get 85 overhead. I will be competing November 21st in the Alberta Weightligting Association Provincial Championships in Edmonton, Alberta. I want to clean and jerk 110kg, and Snatch 85kg.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Guerrilla Marketing

Today was fun, Dani and I went out to a busy intersection with a big sign and did a workout. We had Catherine, Murph and Tiffany handing out flyers while we suffered through the following:
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 KB snatch 1.5 Pood
5 Burpees
5 KB swing 1.5 Pood
5 Push Press 50lbs
14 rounds + 3 Snatch .... I think.

Not sure on the accuracy of that. We has lots of people go by and I hope to do it again soon. About 2 hours before this I tried out the workout I will be putting everyone through for our Grand Opening.
3 rounds for time:
350m Run
10 Burpees
20 Squats
7:25 - This was not a great time. I dogged the runs. If anyone beats my time tomorrow I will give them a T-Shirt.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Murph and Catherine Visit

Today Murph and Catherine hit a WOD with Dani and I
For Time:
25 Snatch 45kg
50 Pushups
75 Situps
100 Double Unders
This was radomly programmed in our basement. Each of us picked a workout and we picked task orientated and I chucked some numbers next to each exercise. It turned out to be not a bad WOD. I will post a picture up on the CowTown site tomorrow.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fran you Dirty &$%^*

Today we got our gym matted and the pull-up bar is up....that was my workout yesterday. Today I needed a good benchmark to measure where I stand. I chose hurt.
Fran for those of you that do not know:
95lb Thrusters
5:43 PR

5 secounds faster than my PR from January. I will shave a minute off this time in a month. If I forget to do this again in a month someone remind me.

Friday, August 28, 2009

First WOD in New Gym

Things have been busy since I arrived. I had to blow off some steam today after trying to deal with the utilities people. Instead of verbally assaulting them over the phone I hit a workout.

5 rds for time
5 squat cleans 155lbs
5 Muscle Ups
Not bad considering what I have done to myself in the last week. I'll come back to this one in a month and see how much I have improved. Since I still do not have gas I am going to hit a cold shower.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Feel the Pain

(Brad and I post workout)

Warm up
500m Row for time:
1:28:0 (PR - 4 Horsemen Gym record...but not for long eh Ben?)

185lbs Back Squat

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bumps and Bars are In!!

(I have to thank Pat for letting me ship my bumps and bars to his house. I ordered 4 sets of 140kg coloured bumps from Pendlay and two Pendlay HD bars. Thanks Pat!)

Push Press
175lbs x 3 PR

4 x 430m Run with 3 minute rest between
1:21, 1:19, 1:26, 1:21

Monday, August 17, 2009

Clean and Jerk PR

(Ben jumping and Murph holding the flag pole - pretty impressive)

Today I hit a quick PR with Ben at the 4 Horsemen Facility.
97.7kg (215lbs)
107kg - missed the jerk (235lbs)

400m Run
Wall Ball 20lbs
400m Run
9:11 - too much gluten in the last 3 days.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rope Climbs are Fun

Snatch - 78% x 1 x 5 (58kg)
Snatch balance - 70% x 3(52kg); 75% x 3(55kg); 80% x 2(60kg); 85% x 1 x 2(62.5kg)
Went light on the snatch balance (used 75, not 80), but could not land the last two. Felt tired and unfocused. Need a rest day.
4 rounds for time:
100 m row
2 rope climbs (22 feet)
1 min rest
6:11 (minus rest)

Today was fun, I did this MetCon with Wybond (picture above on the right doing pull-ups). He edged me out on the last rope climb, this was tough. Our grip was smoked!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

More Oly

Back Squat (High Bar) 85% x2x3
Push Press 80%x3x5
Snatch Pull Bold100%x3x4

I have to get used to the fact these workouts do not lay me out like a ME or Met Con. I am having fun with them and will see where I go. I want to compete November 21st in the Alberta Provincials in the Senior category in the 85kg division.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oly WOD and Terrible Met Con

Snatch Balance Heavy Single
- Worked up to 80kg x 1
Split Jerk 70%x3x3
Mid Hang Snatch 60%x3x2 65%x3x2
Muscle Snatch 75%x2x3

WOD 3rds
300m Row
10 Turkish Get ups 30% BW
Scaled from 24kg to 16kg in Secound round. They were taking to long. I am again a believer that TKU should not be in a Met Con. They do not move a large load quickly. They move it a long distance but do not meet the other qualifications of a functional movement used in CrossFit WODs. This whole WOD was taken from performance menu, maybe they design these for O-Lifters.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Isabel ish

Max Fit USA
5 rds for time:
6 Snatch 125lbs
9 pull-ups

I think a sub 10 Isabel is possible with 135lbs. I will give it a shot in a few weeks.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where am I Heading?

(What a great picture! Miss you Dani!)
3 rds for time:
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
15 Burpees

It is time again to sit down and give my programming some serious thought. My shift work has moved me from Max Fit. Soon I will have my own box and be able to do whatever I want. I need a plan, and I need some new goals.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Paleo Sweet Potato Pie

(The Master Chef, Tyler, is still tweaking this recipe. We will post it once it is mastered)

Front Squat in kg
85,90,95,100 x 5 and 105 x 3

21 - 15 - 9
Box Jumps 32 inches

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Snatch PR in the PR House

(75kg PR) 165lbs (77.5kg miss) 170.5lbs

Today I had a great lifting session with my dad.  I hit a PR and found some major errors.  You can see it in the video, I am jumping too wide.  This caused me to miss 77.5kg.  I can easily pull it high enough, I just need to get under it faster and not jump as wide.  Please add more comments if you see anything else.  Thanks.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Two Days, One Post

(Me and Sophia)

Yesterday I went to the base gym and did a short Press.  It was interrupted because I got a chance to coach a few guys on some Olympic lifts.  I have had fun coaching in Edmonton but I am really looking forward to running our first Boot Camp in Calgary.  After Three of us did a Tabata Row session and I rowed 1010m.  

Today I just did a short Deadlift.  315x5, 320x5, 325x5.  I think my 5 rep PR is 340lbs.  I am in Calgary for a few days with my dad so I am looking forward to another O-Lifting session.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some Great Advice

Yesterday I had yet another embarrassing performance. I attempted to break my Angie PR, which is a few seconds shy of sub 20, and failed miserably. Ben had some good advice in the comments section of my previous post and Pat emailed me today with some great advice.

I think to summarize things I need to start listening to my body and doing my own programming. When I am working midnights I have to scale back my training and intensity of my training for two reasons. 1> My body isn't getting the sleep it likes to run on and 2> I am sleeping during the day with light beaming into my room (see Ben's comment on why this is bad).

I think there are universal laws that dictate a template that can be used to optimize training with diet, programing and sleep BUT everyone is biologically different and will run best at certain levels. Pat, for example, only gets 6.5 hours of sleep a night and still puts up impressive PR's. Although I could operate with that amount of sleep I do not think I could PR like that.

Just a side note, while I was in Afghanistan a good nights sleep was non existent. Every night was riddled with turret shifts or interrupted by the bad guys. Combine that with the stress of getting shot at and having shit blow up all the time, my body was definitely under high levels of stress. After 5 months I went on three weeks of leave in Italy and Greece with my girlfriend and mom. I was a freaking zombie....I hardly remember major events that my mom and girlfriend can easily recall. All my body wanted to do was sleep.

I need to geek out more on the effects of cortisol (stress), on the body. Long story short, I think that everyone needs to minimize artificial stressors and stop inducing a large cortisol response from irrelevant stuff such as, driving to work or too much cream in their coffee.

For myself, I think if I want to hit PR's I should get more sleep and program ME days and longer time domain MetCon's for my days off. Now an insightful quote from Pat...

"Finally, so many people want to do a CF studs training program and think if they do the exact same thing as OPT, Kalipa, Josh E, they will be fit like them...but no one thinks is my life outside the gym the same Do I work the same as these guys? Do I eat the same? Do they have the same responsibilities as me? The same stresses? We can not expect to achieve max results for following programs that do not consider our individual lives and incorporate a balance between training and recovery (which is 100% based on life outside the gym)." - Pat M

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Need to get More Sleep...

(Tyler hits his first Deadlift PR at 275lbs! Good Job Tyler, you are improving more and more every day)

Deadlift ME x 1
Worked up to only 385lbs, a full 35lbs off my PR. I didn't expect to pull 420lbs today but I was dissapointed in my lift. I took the 9 hours of sleep I got every night as a student for granted. I am lucky if I get 6 hours working shifts....I am blaming this to some dips in performance. What does everyone else think???

GHD situps
Ring Push-ups

Friday, July 24, 2009

Keep on Pressing

4 rds for time:
250m row
25 double under's

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Missing some posts

So I am behind...yesterday I snatched. I was warming up....hit 65kg without a problem and caught 69kg but ditched it hard trying to save it. I bruised the shit out of my ass and it just threw off the rest of my workout....was really frustrating.

The day before last Tyler and I did a Back Squat and Press WOD

Today was another variation of "Running Grace" from Max Fit USA
15 Clean and Jerk @ 137lbs
400m Run
10 Clean and Jerk @ 137lbs
400m Run
5 Clean and Jerk @ 137lbs
400m Run
Going to take a few days off....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Good Luck Guys

(good luck to the guys this weekend in the Ontario Challenge)

Max Fit USA

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
20 19 18 17 1 6 15 14 13 12 11
Power Clean 137lbs

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

No Bicep Curls Allowed

(This image is going up in my gym for sure)

Max Fit USA
3 rds for time
10 Ring pull-ups
15 Deadlifts 225lbs
1000m Row
Was really gassed today....didn't eat enough. Tough WOD. My brother did it too with 115lbs on the dead and jumping pull-ups...he clocked in a minute slower but really gave a great effort. I hope all of my future clients have his work ethic.

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Running Isabel"

Run 800m
Power Snatch 30 reps 135lbs (scaled 115lbs)
Run 800m
3:20 run, 9:20 "Isabel", 3:54 run

Isabel is tough. I let my technique degrade too much. If I were to try this Rx'd I would really have to focus on technique.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


(Picture from CrossFit Games Twitter Feed - 6th event was a 1 rep max snatch. The winner snatched 240lbs after 5 BRUTAL leg intensive WODs the previous days)

As of right now CrossFit Calgary took 2nd place in last affiliate team cup workout!!!! They were top 5 going in so we will see how the points hash out. I am very happy and cannot wait to congratulate them in person. I look forward to meeting OPT and AFT. I will definitely pick their brain on how they program because they have phenomenal stats. Two males and one female in the individual events (top 16) and the affiliate team taking 2nd place!! UNREAL!

Front Squat - worked up to 105kg (231) x PR for 3 reps. Think I can do 110kg next time.

30 Muscle Ups for time: PR is (9:51)


Saturday, July 11, 2009

CrossFit Games Fever!!!

(Picture courtesy of CrossFit Games, the Twitter feed- The Deadlift workout after a 7.1km run with BRUTAL terrain!!)

OK, I am a bit of a geek but I have been following the games closely today on twitter and the games site while I go about my business today. It is getting exciting, I am listening to the CrossFit Radio right now.

Press 3 sets of 5, then:
5 rounds for time:
15 KB snatches Right Arm
15 KB snatches Left Arm
15 Back extensions
15 Double Unders

Friday, July 10, 2009

Trying to hit more Variance

If you have been following the CrossFit Games you have seen the difficulty that will be involved in day 1. Not all the events have been released but the first two look brutal! I hit a workout today on no sleep and low energy to see how I would crushed me.
10 rounds
275lbs Deadlift 3 reps
Ring Dips 6 reps
Knees to Elbows 9 Reps

Tomorrow I will be rested and I will hit another couple WOD's. I am excited to see how the Games turns out. CrossFit Calgary did awesome in the affiliate challenge....they were top five leading into the last event but slipped to 13th. Still a stellar effort! I am really looking forward to working with them.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Congratulations Dani!!!

(Dani crushing Helen @ the 4 Horsemen box)

Dani got her first Muscle Up the other day!! After a lot of work it finally all came together. You can see the video here. GOOD JOB DANI!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Nutritional Content has moved

(Dani was in Toronto with Monica picking up some gear and ran into Brad Pattison from the TV show At the End of my Leash.)

For those of you that do not know, I will be doing all my nutritional posting on my affiliate site now. You can check it out here. Pay attention to it as I will be blogging about various topics in detail.

Today was a easy Day....I worked on my weakest lift...The Press. It is still improving and I am happy. I also did a lot of technique work on the Split Jerk.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

O-Lifts with my Old Man

90 kg (198lbs) and 95 kg miss - BW is currently 82kg (180lbs)

So I had a great session of O-Lifting with my Dad. He found all of my major errors. I have a lot of technique work to do...but the next time I max out my Clean and Jerk I will put 100kg overhead. You can see in the video I could have put up 95kg but my jerk technique is terrible and I chickened out. When I get enough cash I am buying and Eleiko bar...they are fantastic and the difference between a normal bar is day and night.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do Olympic Bars Really Break?

225lbs Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
11:04 - happy - my hand push-ups are getting better.

So today I heard that 4 Olympic Bars were broken at the gym from dropping weight overhead. What do you think? I am calling bullshit because of all the people (that should be fired) that dislike CrossFit. I will investigate this and get back to you all.

I am almost through the Greg Glassman Speech he gave to the Marines in the CrossFit journal. I can't wait to get to the part in which he suggests all the US military civilian PT people should be fired. What did everything think of that series of videos?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 minutes:
Run 4oo m
Max Pull-ups
Score rounds and Pull-ups
7 rds 101 Pull-ups

I am happy with this effort because I crushed my last effort. I could had time at the end to do some more running but decided not too...I am not happy about that. People that crush this WOD (150 plus reps), seem to do it in 6 rounds and just do a lot of pull-ups. I might try that next time, pace the run and hold on to the bar for more reps.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hitting the 15 Percentile

(Dani's 6am Class)
7 rds for time:
15 Back Squats 185lbs
15 Burbees

This WOD was f***ing tough. I broke up the squats after the 2nd round into sets of 5 and hit them hard using that bounce at the bottom of the hole. I got into a good groove but it was a very challenging WOD. I don't like to move into the greater than 20 minute time domain more than 15 percent of the time. Today was a day I did a long WOD and followed Coach Max's advice outlined below. I am happy with the way things turned legs are smoked out.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Body Weight Overhead Squat!

(Tyler's delicious, Paleo friendly, stuffed pork and peppers.  Stuffed with ground Italian sausage, onions, fennel seed and apple)

Today I set a PR that I am happy about...BW OHS.  It is one step towards my goal of a Bodyweight snatch.

3-3-3-3-3-2-1 (in kg)
60-62-65-67-71-80-85 (187lbs)

Followed by Tabata Sit-ups

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Paleo Keeping my Energy UP ^

I am blown away at the energy I I got up at 0430 to go to work, worked 12 hours and did not get to the gym until 2000hrs tonight.  I was still able to complete a workout with a decent amount of intensity and energy.
Today's Max Fit USA WOD 
Back Squat 
50%/10 60%/10 70%/10 75%/10 - I just used 285 for the calculations and it was a good weight. My PR is 315.

21-15-9 for time:
Box Jump 24"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Getting Stronger

Today I Pressed and was impressed with my results.  My press is improving a lot.  I hope my other lifts keep improving so that I can beat my old 1 Rep. Max.  I am thinking a CFT in a few months??  

3 rounds
1 Rope Climb (22 feet)
10 ring dips 
15 pul-ups
8 min.
Expected this one to be arms turned into spaghetti really fast.  Next time I will use more feet on the rope climbs and save the arms a bit more.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I will let the video do the explaining for this title...some people really have a bone to pick with CrossFit...ENJOY!!!

Squat Clean PR
104kg (229lbs) ALMOST got 106kg

Quick MetCon
Box Jump 24"
Thrusters 25lbs dumbells

Monday, June 22, 2009

Coach Max Mormont on Scaling

(Picture from Max Fit USA - Coach Maximilian Mormont)

A while a go I got an email from Coach Max and I sent him one back asking about how to scale his workouts and his advice on maximizing power output, - this was his response:

"To me time is not important! Handling the load and volume is. I calculate the tonnage. So if a wod has 10 deads at 315lbs that means you lifted 3,150lbs. Were as if we scale to 275lbs we only lifted 2,750lbs. So when you scale its cool but look at the tonnage. On a scaling like this we miss out on a quarter tone of weight. 

I want you some times to scale so you are in side the time domains that I want. Other times I want you to suffer!!! Make it a strength workout. Even if it takes you a day to do it, I don't care. I should say don't let it go longer then 50min. 

I want my athlete to be able to handle both kinds of capacity. Which are intensity and volume! Sometimes when people scale they miss out on the volume.

If you scale it should be that the Rx weight is over 90% of your 1 RM. Then its cool. If its 85% but heavy. Deal with it. Are best gains come from working out between 80 to 90% of are capacity! If you can handle 80% for a shit load of reps and keep technique that means your 100% will go up!"

A very insightful email!  Today I took his advice and didn't scale my weak Hand Stand Push-ups.  And I suffered...
5 rounds for time:
10 pull-ups 
8 Hand Stand Push-ups
6 ring dips

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lot's to do!!

This affiliation took me by surprise! I have been scrambling to get everything in order.  The new website will be up soon and linked to the main page.  It will be  Keep posted to it, I will be working hard to put good stuff up soon.

Today's WOD
Front Squat - worked to 255 x 1 - Failed on 260.
Double Unders 
6:43 (PR is 6:08)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

CrossFit CowTown!!!!!!

(This Image depicts my excitement right now!!!)

YES WE ARE AFFILIATED!!!!  I would like thank Kathy and Lisa from CrossFit HQ for their kindness, support and understanding.  I am so excited and ready to get things going.  My first big event as an affiliate is going to be a charity event at the base.  More to come on this!  

Push Press Work then:
5 rounds for time: 
10 Deadlifts 225lbs
10 Burpee Pull-ups

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Universal Scalability

Today I went the base with Brenda, My Uncles Fiance.  She is a committed CrossFitter and a great athlete.  (I will be blogging about her soon).  Brenda was involved in a vicious collision in a soccer game and was hurting everywhere.  We were still able to take the Max Fit WOD and scale it to her capability so that she got a functional workout that did not create any pain but still had her moving.  This is better than nothing, the worst thing someone can do while injured is think they cannot workout.  
800m Run
50 Overhead squats 
40 Ab Mat sit up throws (20lbs to 8ft target) (HARD!!!!!)
30 KB swings 1.5 pood (scaled, no 2 pood)
800m Run
Brenda's WOD
400m row
25 tow touches
25 knees to chest
25 kb swings
400m row

Monday, June 15, 2009

There's Nothing Like Good Snatch

I have not Snatched in a while so it was not a big day for numbers.  Technique is coming along, I started low and worked up slowly to just 65kg, doing 7 sets of 3.  I land with the weight too far back...I think.    I shall post a videos below for your comments.
Post Snatch Max Fit USA WOD
3 rds for time:
15 Power Clean 75lbs
15 Pull-ups (scaled from L pullups)
15 Split Jerk 75lbs
15 Knees to Elbows
15 Thrusters 75lbs
22:05 - bad choice for a Post Snatch WOD...I was smoked.
Last set of 3 @ 65kg

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Love Paleo Living

Started with a Press 3 x 3 then:
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift 225lbs (scaled from 275lbs) 

I look better, feel better and I am performing better.  Those old PR's are going to be toast soon. This Paleo Stuff works!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Looking for My Max

After my last WOD I wondered what my Max. Power Clean was.  So today I gave it a shot.  I started light and worked up to 101kg or 223lbs.  I tried 228lbs twice but failed both times.  I was unfocused the first time and chickened out the second time.  I had pulled it high enough but didn't get under it in time.  
After I did a scaled MaxFit USA WOD 
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Back Squats 135lbs
5 Hand Stand Pushups 
10 Pull-ups
5 rounds 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let's all Critique my Push Jerk

Ok...So we all know how much I struggle overhead.  I know I am strong enough to put up atleast 205lbs but I need to work on technique.  Below is the workout I did and the last set of Power Clean and Push Jerk at 85kg (186lbs).  The complete workout was 5 sets at 2 reps of each.  I kept the weights low to work on my jerk.  These are the last two and felt strong, I could have done more but I was unhappy with my thoughts, critiques, etc. to comments.  The rest of the workout as per Max Fit USA  - Deadlift x 5 reps at 60%, 70% and 80% of 1 rep max.  I didn't use my actual one rep max of 420...I used 400lbs.  Finally, 15,10,5 Parallette Push-ups, GHD sit-ups AQAP - 2:26. 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Not for Time Today


Today's workout was interrupted and turned into a dog and pony show.  Some lady freaked out because I was dropping 95lbs from overhead so we had to move the barbell down to the ground floor...which caused us to have to run all the way back to the bench was just gay and frustrating.

21 15 9 
Power Snatch 95lbs 
Bench Press 110lbs
Box Jump 24"

It was under 15 minutes with all the interruptions.  Snatch's were not that bad but the bench killed me.  I am weak as s**t on the bench.  Rx'd weights for this WOD were 135lbs snatch and 185lbs bench.  To tell you the truth this is the first Max Fit WOD I didn't like.  Maybe it was the bitchy PSP telling me I was cracking the concrete or the fact I suck at bench press....I don't know.  I was also irritated by the muscle heads that come up to the CrossFit area and do freaking bicep curls and other gay non-functional movements.  I love the Edmonton Gym, it is a badass facility, but I am looking forward to getting my own gym up and running...SOON.

Rest day tomorrow then back to hitting it hard.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Fight Gone Bad with my Brother

Today I woke up my brother who is working midnights and put him through a workout knowone should do after waking up...Fight Gone Bad.  I must say he did really well and showed great mental toughness after feeling the effects of low energy and an empty belly from just waking up.  Tyler has been doing everything right and is, and will continue to see the positive effects of a Paleo diet and CrossFit.  I am looking forward to seeing him progress into a monster.

As per MaxFit USA programming 
Fight Gone Bad 
3 rounds 1 minute each 
Wall Ball (20lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75lbs)
Box Jump (20'')
Push Press (75lbs)
Row (Calories)

Score 300 - Not the greatest score but I am confident I can get over 350 my next attempt at this.  I am definitely feeling that my fitness is bouncing back and I will start hitting those elusive PR's again.  It has a lot to do with great programming and a solid diet.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Call me What you Like!

Ok so I am a shift worker again making exuses...I worked until 7am this morning and did not get up to be at the ICC 2 for 11am.  Ya, im pissed I didn't go, I should have stayed up and hit the WOD on no sleep.  It would have added some variance. 

Power Clean 75% BW (140lbs)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

CrossFit Edmonton ICC 2

(Brad - a 4 Horsemen showing a proper push-up - chin, chest and thigh touch at the same time)

Warm up
DROM - arms & legs
CFWU x 2
21 - 15 - 9
225lb Backsquat (Scaled to BW 186lbs)
Back extensions
9:35 - This was tough, definitely a lower back intensive WOD. Finished up with some Muscle Up work.

This Saturday CrossFit Edmonton is running a Inner City Challenge 2. The WOD is AMRAP in 15 minutes - 10 pushups and 15 Power Cleans at 95lbs. It was chosen out of a hopper with 90 movements. I am working graveyards for the next few days but I am still going to suck it up and go compete. Pushups are a huge weakness of mine but I will still give it a go. Should be FUN!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quest for PR's

(I am weak as s**t overhead. Thus, I have been going overhead a lot lately.)

Press 3 sets of 5
Max Fit USA
5 rounds
Row 1000m
Rest 1 minute
3:41, 3:48, 3:56, 3:55, 3:41
Yea I sandbagged a bit in the middle.
Cash out - Rope climbs

Diet has been tight. I am feeling, looking and performing better. I hope I can crack a few PR's soon. I am still doing WOD's from MaxFit USA.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Great Programming

Another Max Fit USA WOD.
AMRAP in 20 minutes
15 DB Thruster 40lbs
500m Row
5 rounds - killed the last row to get it in. Layed me out.

Push Jerk 5 x 3 then:
3 rds for time
225lbs deadlift x 10
50 double unders
Almost threw my skipping rope off of the Mezzanine. F---ing double unders. Could have Deadlifted more but I am still scaling these until I feel good about moving up.

Can't wait to get Dutch's DVD!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Delicious Salad

(My Brother Tyler Made a delicious Paleo friendly buffalo chicken Salad. Post to comments for the recipe. Stay tuned for more delicious creations from him)

Today I worked on my OHS, which needs lots of work and then hit a MaxFit USA WOD.
AMRAP in 20 minutes
7 double unders
7 pull-ups
7 push-ups
14 rounds
This was a decieving WOD. Turned out to be very challenging. My pushups failed early and the Double Unders were giving me problems. I could have used a workout buddy on this one to push me harder but it was an excellent WOD.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dani's BootCamp - What are You Waiting for?

Align Center(Dani Crushing a classic CrossFit workout after learning from top tier CrossFit training staff in Lima Peru)

For those of you that don't know yet Dani will be running a BootCamp out of her garage this summer. This is your opportunity to get world class training from a talented and passionate athlete. What does fitness mean to you? What do you know about fitness and nutrition?

If you are open minded and have a desire to work hard for results then this is for you. Dani will not only expand your knowledge on how to maximize your intensity and get results but she will teach you how to ensure your workout isn't a waste of time, by eating RIGHT!

You are going to learn things that go against the "norm"...we are not the norm. We are a full frontal assault on the mainstream fitness industry. Our methods actually work and we care about our clients...yes WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS! At the same time we will not lie to will not be will take commitment...can you handle this challenge? Sometimes in life the best things that happen to us occur because we move out of our "comfort zone." "The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Try something new...I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Dani is Certified and very capable in CrossFit Methods, POSE running methods and can tech you how sustain health and longevity by teaching you a simple and attainable nutritional lifestyle. This is world class training that you can receive in an intimate setting. What is fitness, health and longevity worth to you?

Weak and unhealthy people are lame....BE STRONG...BE HEALTHY! Contact Dani!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eat Exercise and Be Fit Incorporated!

(The Edmonton Garrison Facility - the front half)

So we are incorporated now...I think a few days until it is "official." After my workout today I had a great conversation with a manager affiliated with PSP. Even though Edmonton Garrison has an absolutely gorgeous CrossFit gym, they still haven't bought into it fully because they feel it has too many injuries. I think this idea has come from people who have "horrifically shitty" technique doing some of the complex lifts and have a massive EGO so they do not scale properly. This is the biggest debate topic right now with CrossFit. What has been your experience? Do you think PSP factors in injuries from sports or people who are weak and out of shape and are constantly on medical catorgory? I don't think they do, one thing I have found with CrossFit is that is will find and expose your weakness. For example, my left leg is longer than my right and as a result I injured my shoulder doing high rep. KB snatch's. After time with the my Chiropractor, I sorted things out and now I am 10 times better for it.

I am going to dig for some research on this. It might take time because people that have it are busy. I will keep you posted. I made myself available to anyone at PSP that wants to have an intellectual debate about this but I am not pushing for it. They have a great thing there and are leaps and bounds ahead of places like London.

MaxFit USA WOD (scaled)
10 rds
3 Deadlift
6 Paralette Pushups
9 Knees to Elbows
Sean - 17:31 225lbs (should have done more but airing on the side of caution)
Tyler - 105lb dead, reg. pushups, knees to chest - 15:47

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lot's Going On

(Sign up for Dani's BootCamp ladies and you can get a bum "made by CrossFit")

I got a call today from CrossFit HQ about affiliating. It was awesome they called me to check up on things and welcome me to the family. I look forward to getting everything in order and making it official soon. I will keep you posted.

I got a job today!!! It is with the commissionaires, which is a good fit for me because they are all ex military guys and girls. There is lots of opportunity in this job to do some neat work with RCMP, EPP and the Federal Government. I look forward to things!

My Nutrition lecture went very well. I still have to work on things more and clean it up a bit but I had a great crowd of 4 people to practice on. Keep posted I plan on stepping up the nutrition content on here. I have been meeting some cool guys on the base at the CrossFit gym. I am going to put up posters and start some personal training there. There is definately a great CrossFit knowledge base but I think all the guys who are qualified are with the Patricia's and they have their own gym. I am lookin forward to training some people there.

Finally, Dani has been getting lots of attention for her BootCamp. If you are interested in learning a boat load and getting fit you should check it out. Info is in the top left corner.